Man Charged in Alleged Threat Against Journalist Seeking Nashville Shooter Manifesto

Covenant School Shooter Audrey Elizabeth Hale
by Natalia Mittelstadt


A Tennessee man has been charged in connection with a threat against conservative journalist and talk radio show host Michael Patrick Leahy over Leahy’s lawsuit to obtain the Nashville school shooter manifesto, allegedly telling Leahy, “I’m willing to go to prison to end you.” 

Leahy, CEO of The Star News Network, and the network’s parent company, Star News Digital Media Inc., are involved in a lawsuit to release the manifesto of transgender person Audrey Hale, who killed three students and three faculty members in March at a Nashville Christian school Hale had attended.

The person charged in connection with the death threat over the lawsuit, Michael Alonzo Rouse, 49, threatened Leahy July 9 via email, according to a source familiar with the matters.

In the email obtained by Just the News and signed by “Mike,” the writer says, “Michael Patrick Leahy … if it were not illegal to beat your ass up … I’d have done it months ago. I have called your show twice because you decided to pound home the transgender Audrey Hale while people who suffered were healing. You dirty potato eating Mick. If I see you on the street … I’m going to end your conservative slant eye ass.”

The email also reads: “I’m willing to go to prison to end you. You dirty drug addict eyed Irish fool. You either end your talk show or I’ll end your life in real time while you do it.  You have no right to the manifesto of Audrey Hale and you just want content by obtaining it.”

The final line of the email, before the signature reads: “Send the authorities. You’d better if you still want to live, Leahy.”

Williamson County Sheriff’s Office confirmed to Just the News that a misdemeanor summons for harassment was issued July 10 for Rouse. An arrest warrant was issued for him the following day for aggravated stalking, which is a felony when the victim is over the age of 65. Rouse was arrested the evening of July 11 and charged in connection with the alleged crimes.

The sheriff’s office told Just the News that Rouse’s bond was set at $7,500. He posted the bond Wednesday and has a Sept. 7 court date in connection with the alleged crimes, according to court documents.

Rouse did not answer calls for a request to comment.

Journalists and others have tried since the mass shooting to get authorities to release the manifesto and related documents to learn more about the tragedy.

Authorities in early April indicated: “In the collective writings by Hale found in her vehicle in the school parking lot, and others later found in the bedroom of her home, she documented, in journals, her planning over a period of months to commit mass murder at The Covenant School.”

The FBI and Nashville police have refused to release the writings to the public and have denied requests from media outlets to do so, claiming the investigation into the shooting is ongoing and will take up to a year, despite local law enforcement asserting that Hale acted alone.

The Covenant Presbyterian Church that operates the school, the school itself, and an unspecified group of parents have also sought to block the release of the documents.

Parents of the children who were killed are among them, with one mother writing to the court in a filing, “These petitioners have shown no respect or regard for my family or for the hundreds of surviving Covenant trauma victims, even going so far as to shamefully deny their victimhood before you, as they seek to publish and profit from the deranged, hateful, and exceedingly dangerous ramblings of an individual who renounced her humanity and gunned down children.”

Four Nashville private schools have also asked to file amicus briefs in the case, arguing that “the safety and security of” their schools “likely will be directly and distinctly impacted by the disclosure of documents sought by Petitioners.”

Hale’s parents, Ronald and Norma Hale, claim intestate possession of their daughter’s documents, and have argued that they have the right to provide any party they see fit ownership of the materials. They also said they would give those materials to the children who attended the school. Deborah Fisher, executive director of the Tennessee Coalition for Open Government, told The Tennessee Star that whoever makes Hale’s manifesto public could face a lawsuit.

The Tennessee Firearms Association and the National Police Association are also involved in the lawsuit against the Metro Nashville Police Department and seek the release of the manifesto.

John Harris, executive director of the Tennessee Firearms Association, told The Tennessee Star, which is part of The Star News Network, that according to state public records law, documents possessed by a government entity are open to the public.

Harris told Leahy on Tuesday that the lawsuit could continue until 2026, depending on how appeals go.

 – – –

Natalia Mittelstadt is a reporter at Just the News. Mittelstadt graduated from Regent University with Bachelor of Arts degrees in Communication Studies and Government.
Image “Covenant School Shooter” by Metro Nashville Police Department.


Reprinted with permission from Just the News

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3 Thoughts to “Man Charged in Alleged Threat Against Journalist Seeking Nashville Shooter Manifesto”


    Here we have a man promising to “KILL” someone in an effort to terrorize him for his First Amendment Right of Speech.
    Governor Lee knows Antifa & BLM THUGS are planning to bring Soros paid Anarchists to attack our Lawmakers & anyone who gets in their privileged way. They will be focused on shutting down their First Amendment Constitutional Right to protect our Second Amendment.
    My question is Mr Governor Lee “what the hell will this crap do to protect lives?” Are you going to protect Mr Leahy’s life or the lives of supporters of the Second Amendment?
    There must be some Mighty revealing INFO in the Covenant Killers Manifesto & multiple journals & computers. Our Governor & others who know the Open Records Law are violating the current State Law. What are the consequences when the Governor & other authorities break the damn law? Are you going to give this guy who is threatening to kill someone a Red Flag? Is that his consequence for his crime? Why would anyone respect our laws, sir? They are apparently meant for those who you deem an offender, but that not what the Public Records Law states. Maybe you should get a sponsor to introduce an amendment to the Open Records Law, which delineates those who you deem the Law does or does not apply, under the circumstances you deem applicable?
    The Governor is a Lame Duck, so he doesn’t have to worry about Votes from his Constituents. Our State Legislators are not Lame Ducks. AND that’s why noone should entertain unconstitutional mandatory term limits. It would remove the Power of the Voters to Fire those Legislators who forget who brought them to the dance.
    Can the Governor assure everyone that no businesses will burn to the ground or God forbid, someone gets killed just to please his donor or whomever he is protecting? Perhaps he should be held liable if any violence occurs injuring persons or personal or public property.
    There is no logical reason for the URGENCY, COST & DANGER to this community to call for a Special Session to try a slip in Red Flag Laws, with the hopes the Constituents will forget by the time 2024 Elections roll around. There is NOTHING that can justify this unusual action when it can all be handled during normal session of the Tennessee General Assembly. YOU GOVERNOR KNOW THAT.
    You had ample time to get your Lobbyists to do that in this last Session. So your reasons must be personal & not in the best interest of Tennesseans.
    Maybe no laws should even be considered until the Powerful can abide by current laws in the Tennessee Code Annotated.

  2. Johnathan Galt

    More leftist threats of violence. When will it end?

  3. Steve Allen

    So, with all the talk and desires for “red flag laws” and confiscating firearms from people, we now have a deranged individual who was arrested for threatening a journalist with bodily harm (apparently including death) and he is released on $7500 bail. Really? What good would a red flag law do in a case like this? Bodily harm is bodily harm. You don’t need a gun to kill someone, any blunt object will do just fine. It’s not the inanimate object that inflects death, it’s the human being holding it. So you want to confiscate firearms from people, yet you just turn them loose thereby enabling them to cause harm.
